
Taoers-The world's largest Taoist ritual crowdfunding website.


Welcome to the Support section of, the world's largest Taoist social network. We are here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about our services. is dedicated to fostering a supportive community and providing resources to enhance your Taoist journey. One of our key offerings is our Taoist crowdfunding platform.

**What is Taoist Crowdfunding?**

Taoist crowdfunding on allows members of our community to support and contribute to various Taoist projects and initiatives. These can include temple restorations, cultural events, educational programs, and more. By participating in our crowdfunding campaigns, you help preserve and promote Taoist culture and practices for future generations.

**How to Participate in Taoist Crowdfunding**

1. **Browse Projects**: Explore the various Taoist projects and initiatives listed on our platform. Each project includes detailed information about its purpose, goals, and funding needs.
2. **Make a Contribution**: Select a project you wish to support and make a contribution. Contributions can be made securely through our platform using a variety of payment methods.
3. **Share and Promote**: Help spread the word about the projects you support. Share them with your friends and family on social media or through email to increase awareness and encourage more contributions.
4. **Track Progress**: Stay updated on the progress of the projects you support. Project creators will provide regular updates on the status and impact of their initiatives.

**Frequently Asked Questions**

**1. How do I start a crowdfunding campaign?**
To start a crowdfunding campaign, you must be a registered member of Once registered, you can submit your project proposal through our platform. Our team will review your proposal and, if approved, it will be listed on our crowdfunding page.

**2. Is my contribution secure?**
Yes, we use industry-standard security measures to ensure that all transactions are secure. Your personal and financial information is protected through encryption and other security protocols.

**3. Can I contribute anonymously?**
Yes, you have the option to contribute anonymously. During the contribution process, you can choose to hide your name from public view.

**4. What happens if a project does not reach its funding goal?**
If a project does not reach its funding goal, the project creator may still receive the funds raised, depending on the terms of the campaign. Project creators will provide information on how the funds will be used if the goal is not met.

**Contact Us**

If you have any questions or need assistance with Taoist crowdfunding, please contact our support team at [email protected]. We are here to help you with any inquiries and to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience on

Thank you for supporting Taoist projects and helping to preserve our rich cultural heritage.


The Team