How it works?

Taoers-The world's largest Taoist ritual crowdfunding website.

How It Works?

Welcome to the crowdfunding platform, where Taoist believers and enthusiasts come together to support meaningful projects and initiatives that preserve and promote Taoist culture and practices. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how our crowdfunding process works:

1. Discover Projects

Explore our diverse selection of Taoist projects and initiatives. Each project listing includes detailed information about its purpose, goals, and funding needs. Whether you’re interested in temple restorations, cultural events, educational programs, or community services, you’ll find projects that resonate with your interests and values.

2. Create a Campaign

If you have a Taoist project that needs funding, you can create a crowdfunding campaign. Here’s how:
Sign Up or Log In: Register for a free account on or log in if you’re already a member.
Submit Your Project: Complete our project submission form with all necessary details, including the project description, goals, budget, and timeline.
Approval Process: Our team will review your submission to ensure it aligns with our community guidelines and values. Once approved, your project will be listed on our crowdfunding platform.

3. Make a Contribution

Support your favorite projects by making a financial contribution. Here’s how:
Select a Project: Choose a project that you’re passionate about.
Contribute Securely: Click on the “Contribute” button and follow the prompts to make your donation. We accept various payment methods and ensure that all transactions are secure.
Choose Your Visibility: You can choose to contribute anonymously if you prefer.

4. Promote and Share

Help projects gain visibility by sharing them with your network. You can:
Share on Social Media: Use the social media buttons on the project page to share with your friends and followers.
Email Friends and Family: Send an email to people who might be interested in supporting the project.
Use Your Network: Spread the word within your community and encourage others to contribute.

5. Track Progress

Stay updated on the progress of the projects you support. Project creators will provide regular updates, including:
Funding Milestones: See how close the project is to reaching its funding goal.
Project Updates: Receive news about project developments, successes, and challenges.
Impact Reports: Learn about the impact your contribution has made once the project is completed.

6. Successful Completion

When a project reaches its funding goal, the project creator will begin implementing the initiative. Contributors will receive updates on the project's progress and completion, including how the funds were used and the outcomes achieved.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our support team at [email protected]. We are here to help you navigate our crowdfunding platform and ensure a positive experience.

Thank you for supporting Taoist projects and helping to preserve our rich cultural heritage.


The Team